Swap procedure description
- Market order is placed for almost immediate execution of exchange transaction according to the current market price.
- Limit order is bound to the limit price indicated by the user. This order is carried out only if market price reaches or goes beyond the limit price. It means that limit orders are used for buying at the low price or selling at the high price in relation to the market.
- SELL: Currency meant for selling.
- MIN/MAX: Minimum and maximum amount given in a certain pair of currency.
- Currency selection.
- Selection of exchange balance capacity.
- Currency exchange (BUY vs SELL).
- BUY: Currency meant for buying.
- FEE: Comission based on the overall amount of the order.
- EXCHANGE RATE: Currency price meant for selling.
- Balance: Overall balance of the currency meant for selling.
- EXCHANGE: Exchange button.
How to carry out a swap transaction?
In the dashboard go to Exchange:
1. "SELL" field designates the currency to be sold,
2. "BUY" field designates the currency to be bought; after inputting the necessary amount click "EXCHANGE".